
626 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/07/03 (木) 01:33:15 ID: 183937oB
Jim-san, your anchor is offset by one because of the deletion.
You can solve the situation by choosing "Reload (the thread)" from your viewer.
628 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/07/03 (木) 02:31:26 ID: 183937oB
hmm..in that case,
1- delete the thread first
2- reload the board (which renew the thread lists index database)
3- get the thread again
It may work with that.
629 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/07/03 (木) 02:35:33 ID: 183937oB
ah. let's make it clear you not to misunderstand.

1- (In the viewer that you are using,) delete the thread first
2- (In the viewer that you are using,) reload the board (which renew the thread lists index database)
3- (In the viewer that you are using,) get the thread again