
290 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/05/14 (水) 00:24:45 ID: 1TWgyTzi

I think that they are going to coax Jim_san hard.
It is that people saying that Jim-san "show the definition of the child porno" here.

If Jim_san define it, the people will look for a loophole.

They showed only the item which is advantageous to oneself.
They used a polite manner of speaking here, but always hurl dirty words at witch_san.

I think that the ambiguous guideline is good.
I think that an existing vague guideline is good.
I want a vague guideline.

It is because we performed it for a long time in this way so far.


I pray Jim_san not to be deceived.
304 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/05/14 (水) 03:01:38 ID: 1TWgyTzi
275_san said.
"Shit guy!
I want the manager who can speak Japanese!"

My recommend is ◆witch2enoc_san and ◆EROyVmNwwM_san.