volunteer deleters since noted date.
5/13 Child Pornography Deletion Request Thread
5/31 "One night Sex Partner wanted" post Deletion Request Thread
These are used to be positioned by 79-san as the top priority deltetion.
Would you going to do something about it? If you do not feel like answering
with long sentences, you could choose one of the following for giving us your vision.
1) Leave it as is. who cares bbspink is viewed as dating service or child porn exchange BBS
2) That's a problem. Let's appoint a deletion leader and process at least "priority deletion request" ASAP
3) hmmmm. Let's solve that problem by recruit more willing volunteer deleters
4) Heck. I will do them by myself. Just say where they are.
5) None of the above. (please specify, if you can)