
260 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/05/11 (日) 15:18:22 ID: U1yP9NEw
Dear. Mr.Jim

How about your condition?
You should firmly execute Ms. 79's work as a proxy.
You said that you would substitute.( Said to all ★)

But,It seems to press the responsibility against the Japanese ★.
You said to ★ "Don't tolk in BBS".

Many user are confused.
If your management ability limit,you should close this BBS.

Because I attach to this matter, the American thinks that it uses
the Japanese for the moneymaking.

You should say the policy in BBS to the direct user. There is an
accountability to all acts.

The way things are going, the user will determine a large-scale
movement to another site.

It apologizes for an impolite content.
As one person who thinks this BBS to be important.