
31 : ξ ◆Or3.StInkY [sage] : 2009/04/06 (日) 07:22:53 ID: V73Nx5VV
Is a broken site here?
It seems that is broken because indication encoding is different(S-JIS), but is seen in the UTF-8 normally if I do it
By a browser, please display it in UTF-8

Other problem? > broken
33 : ξ ◆Or3.StInkY [sage] : 2009/04/06 (日) 09:07:24 ID: V73Nx5VV
There are some kinds of recover methods.

1.Save it in S-JIS

2.order encoding by a metatag of the html headder
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

and others
htmlのページエンコード、UTF-8をブラウザが勝手に別のものと判断します。htmlの中やファイルそのものの文字コードは指定しています。 たしか、ヘッダの中に何か文字を入れ.. - 人力検索はてな
34 : ξ ◆Or3.StInkY [sage] : 2009/04/06 (日) 09:17:30 ID: V73Nx5VV
If this is a cause, it is seen because not destruction but a few mistakes and misunderstandings rid.