504 : Misuzuya ★ [sage] : 2009/10/17 (金) 09:12:04 ID: ???
> It is important to understand that bbspink is not a moderated bbs.
Yes, but it is not known.

People forget immediately.
They does not memory the things which is unrelated to its profit and loss.
Regrettably, they read the rule when he regulated, because he think the rule is empty slogan.

Sadly, there are few people who understand your slogan.
People who read this board is very few. Who read this thread is a little.
Declare your slogan, again, whenever opportunity..
505 : Misuzuya ★ [sage] : 2009/10/17 (金) 09:20:24 ID: ???
They have come to consider so,
"The act is permitted in this bbs, because it haven't deleted by admin".
Therefore, they have be stopping to read the rule and the law,
only looks admin's face.
But we are not their big mother... regrettably.
506 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/10/17 (金) 09:41:44 ID: n4swwZEW