>>780 DNS lookup of the hostname "vip30001.maido3.net" points to no IP address yet. If so, the IP address will be BBQed by anybody using Boo.(proxy BBQ system - Boo.2ch.net) After the IP address is BBQed, it cannot be posed without CAP or ●. In order to make it immune to Boo, given IP address must relate to unique hostname and vice versa. (DNS lookup of a hostname must match the result of reverse DNS lookup)
Ack. By the way, BBQed IPs will be freed by Rock54 system people at >>763 thread when those setting are done. (They won't free them if IPs still can BBQ by boo)
>>785 DNS Lookup - vip30001.maido3.net -> Reverse DNS Lookup - -> vip30001.maido3.net ------------- Both lookup are correct and matches. It now could not be Boo-ed anymore.