219 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/12/19 (金) 02:02:33 ID: MmGEhcJs
The difference between pasegueno and burbon system is
burbon system is for valid for blocking too many threads creation,
too many postings, and too many reading requests (crawling)
to a server in a short period time(using ● or not), thus
helps to decrease server overloads and works as a tool
against vandals as a side effect.
220 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/12/19 (金) 02:27:58 ID: MmGEhcJs
Another speculation from root-san may help?

581 名前:root▲▲ ★[] 投稿日:2009/12/19(土) 00:10:06 ID:???0
On the second thought after cool down,

<Another speculation>
I think Jim-san may added a tool to modify .htaccess for
doing "deny from [host name]" to the bbspink side servers
instead of changing httpd.conf value.

When Apache process [deny from host name] in a .htaccess list,
it does reverse DNS lookups for ALL accesses in order to match the list.
even if HostNameLookups in httpd.conf was off.

2ch servers were not made such a way, since reverse DNS lookups of
all accesses results severe performance penalty.
2ch handles and writes tools for "deny from [IP address]" only in
the past and won't change it in a future.
<Speculation end>
223 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/12/19 (金) 05:12:57 ID: MmGEhcJs
The trouble happened just after >>191-193, but
as >>215 says, the poisoning of main reload(reading)
burbon IP list with host names instead of IP address
was the cause. The poisoning may have gone slow
and did not cause fatal error until now if pink servers
were using host names for about a year now.
227 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/12/19 (金) 07:22:55 ID: MmGEhcJs
ipv6...hmm...ipv6.2ch.net is around for about a year for testing purpose.
But it seems that it is not popular among users. Very little ISP supports
ipv6 in Japan and will take years for typical consumers to use it in common.

If ipv6 <-> ipv4 address conversion can be done without performance
penalty and has proven reliabity, it might be worth checking for them.
In my opinion, 2ch is very conservative as far as network is concerned though.
230 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/12/19 (金) 08:52:54 ID: MmGEhcJs
One more opinion, if you would like to put the burbon system back to bbspink server:
There must be a file that contains ip address list to pass it to burbon system when
F22(burbon main server) requests it every 10 minutes. If you are going to fix something,
please make sure that the file does not include any host names in it. If you have no idea which
one is the correct file, it is a better idea to ask for it to root-san.