322 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2010/01/12 (月) 16:28:17 ID: NEVF1buB
Prostitution is a crime in Japan.
Should I contact police about these postings?
(means the police may contact you about the IP address disclosure)
Or, request the postings deletion and forget about them?

12 名前:あっとC[] 投稿日:2010/01/12(火) 23:21:02 ID:0BY1ow870
I want to do prostitution because I dearly want money.
But I only have sexual intercourse experience twice.
I would like a man to lead me with about 30,000 yen.
Please mail me if you want me.
The mail address is not main(mean sub) address.
No tirekicker please.
I'm 11th grade(16-17 years old) girl *******@****.jp