
384 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2010/01/25 (日) 09:01:20 ID: TEC8rtyT
Dear Jim さん

Could you see this page? http://www.internettrafficreport.com/main.htm
The chart in this page shows Global Packet Loss for the past 10 days.

Do you think it relate to the problem told in >>374 and other comment?
If you think so, how do you think why it happen and do we have any solution?

Relating living thread of 2ch
http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1264343088/ 重い重い重い重い重い重い重い×64@運用情報
http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1210515578/ ■ 接続が重い時にtracert(traceroute)の結果を貼ってみるスレ