161 : trip ◆sO35uw8r6o [sage] : 2009/12/12 (金) 05:24:45 ID: pbZxGt9e
>Hello jim-san!!
>From long-term unprocessed delete request(priority delete only) thread;
> ↓
>>264 名前:名無しさん@ピンキー[sage] 投稿日:2009/12/02(水) 21:11:57 ID:SvXo1egB0
>>2008/11/30 ■ 過去ログ削除専用 ■
>>11/11 熟女
>>2 left pending >1 week / as of 2 Dec
>Thread for archive delete seems defunct since 30/Nov/08.
>Please suggest and provide solution. Thanks in advance.
165 : trip ◆sO35uw8r6o [sage] : 2009/12/12 (金) 09:38:42 ID: pbZxGt9e
Hi Jim-san, sorry for long time no see. I'm just fine.
I also can't find pending target for the request and unable
to confirm situation. btw I've got a used Motorola M1000
(UIQ 2.1, Symbian OS 7.0). MIDP 2.0 compatible.

サイトはBBSPINK内ですか? 2chについてであれば2chへ、unkar
169 : trip ◆sO35uw8r6o [sage] : 2009/12/12 (金) 10:47:50 ID: pbZxGt9e
So the problems are;
- Absence of deleter after Greenday★ -san has left
- And resulting great delay in priority log delete
 as seen in;

- Demands delete of post 263, 487, 502, which contain name of a person, in
- Ask Jim-san to have new deleter.

So pink's been running for a year with no (voluntary) deleter?
well, that'a problem...