
223 : 名無し☆ [sage] : 2010/06/05 (金) 02:01:02 ID: 9bp/U5KL
The first thing in this morning that I did: fart.
The second: regret.
224 : 名無し☆ [sage] : 2010/06/05 (金) 02:02:55 ID: 9bp/U5KL
It worked pretty well, though, to wake me up.
228 : 名無し☆ [sage] : 2010/06/05 (金) 04:00:08 ID: 9bp/U5KL
230 : 名無し☆ [sage] : 2010/06/05 (金) 04:08:49 ID: 9bp/U5KL
Soyyr, I don't understand you by those sentenses.
232 : 名無し☆ [sage] : 2010/06/05 (金) 04:29:44 ID: 9bp/U5KL
If I could make any use of it, then honestly I wouldn't mind. I wanna keep "名無し" as well though.
言い出名無しっぺーさん? This is a nice chaos.
236 : 名無し☆ [sage] : 2010/06/05 (金) 05:26:26 ID: 9bp/U5KL
Haha, thanks.
I gotta go now. take care.