
36 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2010/05/20 (水) 06:27:41 ID: rHEhro33
translation: >>35
These threads are raised with malicious, slanderous.
We can see that malicioness because of cruel words of these threads' title.

She was blamed by ARASHI many times.
She was threaten to fill up these threads,
instead of write response to her new thread.

We apologize to not be able to ignore such ARASHI.
It is a blunder of us. We are wrong.
We are very sorry to fill up the thread.
She reflect on such behavier.

She was agitated by ARASHI response,
because she have no experience such attack and blame from ARASHI in her life.
We feel pity for her to be punished, regulated by only one mistake.

Please forgive and help her.
37 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2010/05/20 (水) 06:29:33 ID: rHEhro33
Im sorry >>36 was not all
38 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2010/05/20 (水) 06:34:28 ID: rHEhro33
translation: >>35
Thank you Jim-san. We thank your reply such a short time.

She have trouble that ARASHI raised some threads of her.
Such as:

These threads are raised with malicious, slanderous.
We can see that malicioness because of cruel words of these threads' title.

then, >>36