
736 : vip40011.maido3.net : 2010/06/27 (土) 03:00:49 ID: wyBX5nhW
I am using it now. Hopefully the font won't be broken when I do an update.
737 : vip40011.maido3.net [sage] : 2010/06/27 (土) 03:14:40 ID: wyBX5nhW
This is not going to work. I am using Windows 7 starter. It seems to only support unicode.
If I update the menu, then it will be broken. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are building a new tower of Babel.
I really hate their guts. I have not been using windows for a few years now, can anyone tell me how
to add more character sets to Notepad?
738 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2010/06/27 (土) 03:16:18 ID: wyBX5nhW
This is what the fonts will look like if I update the menu.
739 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2010/06/27 (土) 03:19:58 ID: wyBX5nhW
741 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2010/06/27 (土) 03:47:58 ID: wyBX5nhW
Windows Sucks.

C:\Users\loki\bbsmenu>ssh jimupdatingmenu@bbspink.com
'ssh' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

742 : vip40011.maido3.net [sage] : 2010/06/27 (土) 03:49:50 ID: wyBX5nhW
What do you find useful about Windows?