825 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2011/02/15 (月) 12:39:29 ID: 9gNlhQ3i 13 I recruit friends. Please write e-mail address. 14 mail ad @... 15 mail ad @ 16 mail ad @ 17 mail ad @ 18 (A remark.)Stop it ! 19 mail ad @ 20 mail ad @ 21 mail ad @ 22 Ah Usually. 13 うふ〜ん 14 うふ〜ん 15 うふ〜ん 16 うふ〜ん 17 うふ〜ん 18 (A remark.)Stop it ! 19 うふ〜ん 20 うふ〜ん 21 うふ〜ん 22 Ah transparency 12 13 (A remark.)Stop it ! 14 Ah 13-17&19-21transparency
826 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2011/02/15 (月) 13:22:31 ID: 9gNlhQ3i It is not email address and is very effective in the case of AA consecutive contributions. http://yuzuru.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/kouri/1274515118/543-681 etc.