
713 : 自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA : 2011/02/05 (金) 00:56:57 ID: DOqajn0V
Just add a little vodka and tobasco and you have a bloody Mary.
That is the breakfast of champions.
715 : 自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA : 2011/02/05 (金) 01:58:10 ID: DOqajn0V
My father was a mulatto, my grandfather was a Negro and my great grandfather a monkey. You see, Sir: my family starts where yours ends
- Alexandre Dumas
I have a new app for Electric Buddha on Facebook. It is interesting and not full of spam.
717 : 自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA : 2011/02/05 (金) 02:04:24 ID: DOqajn0V
There is also a prayer wheel there. You spin it in the clouds and collect dharma
items. After praying for one minute it will give you your fortune.