I see that when I look in the Firefox window. I am posting here with bb2c, and it seems to be off by a couple numbers.
- 805 : 自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA [sage] : 2011/02/13 (土) 22:38:14 ID: KrkJjc5z
- >>802
I see that when I look in the Firefox window. I am posting here with bb2c, and it seems to be off by a couple numbers. - 806 : 自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA [sage] : 2011/02/13 (土) 23:31:15 ID: KrkJjc5z
- The adventure is interesting. I can post with BB2C on Pink channel. On 2ch I am able to post with Explorer 5.2 for Mac.