
241 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2010/10/05 (月) 06:40:24 ID: iijEHVTy
http://set.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1266580868/328san said.
> 相変わらず出会い目的レスが続いてるけど、まだ削除でいく?
> PINK単体でも掘れるのは解ったし、今じゃVIPより甘いじゃん
> もう規制しちゃえば?

> An encounter purpose reply continues as ever.
> Do you still go by deletion?
> I knew that I could dig PINK.
> Should not you regulate it anymore?

An example talk when it was assumed that I did it.
Can you dig the reply that deleter deleted?