
828 : vip0010.maido3.net [sage] : 2011/02/15 (月) 16:01:19 ID: mVQ34ruA
Stop Thread - To prevent further posting to a particular thread.
The stopped thread will go to Archive. Thread deletion erase an
thread completely and never archived.

Stopped thread example(in Archive)
The last post of the thread is marked like this:(The mark is generated
by read.cgi automatically and it is not in the actual dat file)
970 名前:停止しました。。。[停止] 投稿日:停止
真・スレッドストッパー。。。( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリッ

It is mostly used for stopping thread which is not appropriate for
a particular board but contains lots of postings which may be useful
for somebody.
スレッド停止 - 特定のスレッドへのそれ以上の書き込みを禁止する方法


829 : vip0010.maido3.net [sage] : 2011/02/15 (月) 16:30:44 ID: mVQ34ruA
Some more personal opinion toward the tool: I suggest that you would
consider the actual behavior of a deleter and think up a better and easy
to use user interface for deletion.

The deletion tool used in the past (a.k.a "Itadaki tool" - not functionl now)

Left Pane: List of deletion request threads in the deletion request board.
Middle Pane: Instruction. Clicking a left pane thread number shows list of requests.
Right Pane: Checking the request and clicking "Send->" in the middle pane
      sends actual url of the postings to be deleted.

I suppose that your tool currently has the Right Pane function only.

過去の削除ツール(通称: いただきツール - 現在は使えない)


834 : vip0010.maido3.net [sage] : 2011/02/16 (火) 08:12:48 ID: mVQ34ruA
No change is needed for read.cgi.
If the target file's permission shows write prohibited,
it shows the mark. 

835 : vip0010.maido3.net [sage] : 2011/02/16 (火) 08:17:39 ID: mVQ34ruA
Here is another simple but elegant temporary deletion tool
by Fox-san(a.k.a "dobatto tool") for you to review.
It might be useful for casual deleter who process particular
request thread (ex. phone#) often since it is simple and fast.

Note:You can see the user interface by the default peer password as is.
  It only works on 2ch.net deletion request now.

Top Pane: Go Button / Passoword box / Board or Thread URL box / Direct-input checkbox
Left Pane: Shows contents of the URL.
Right Pane: Shows posts contents with checkbox and
      can do post(inc. transparent) deletion
      thread deletion & thread stop & archive deletion here

長いので日本語は省略... Foxさん謹製の臨時削除ツールの紹介。
836 : vip0010.maido3.net [sage] : 2011/02/16 (火) 08:18:40 ID: mVQ34ruA
How to use
Example A: Process single deletion request thread
1) Copy & paste at top pane box http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/saku/1280673024/
2) Click Go button and contents will be shown at Left pane
3) Scroll down to #336 post and press the request URL (1293287404/235-236)
4) Target posts with checkbox checked will be shown at Right Pane
5) Scroll down and check the posts to see if it worth deleting and process using buttons.
Good points:
- Same deletion buttons set are placed at top & bottom for easy deletion for short/long posts.
- Post Deletion and Transparent Deletion buttons are apart for preventing accidental click.
- Thread deletion / Thread Stop / Archive deletion buttons are apart from posts deletion for
same reason.
- Thread deletion button is marked with "★" for alerting accidental click.
- If the request has post# or range of post#, right pane shows them with checkbox checked.
837 : vip0010.maido3.net [sage] : 2011/02/16 (火) 08:20:02 ID: mVQ34ruA
Example B: Process a board.
1) Copy & paste at top pane box http://qb5.2ch.net/saku/
2) Deletion request threads shown at Left pane
3) Clicking a thread number shows contents at right pane.
4) Copy target posts URL for deletion, and do direct URL input(example C.)
Good points:
- Easy to see request threds list coloring.
838 : vip0010.maido3.net [sage] : 2011/02/16 (火) 08:20:55 ID: mVQ34ruA
Example C: Direct URL input deletion
1) Expand Top pane height and check Direct-input checkbox at top pane.
2) Copy paste below at top pane box (can accept multi-requests URL)
3) Left Pane shows pasted URLs. Processing is same as Example A 4-5
Good points:
- No need to trace through deletion request thread if URLs are known beforehand.
- Useful to process multi-post threads deletion.
