
550 : 名無し編集部員 : 2011/01/13 (水) 18:06:44 ID: vz1+6EPr
Hello Jim-san,
Can BBSPINK use better performance servers on linux instead of BSD?
BSD's are great as well, but maybe using Linus may help some of the security holes?
(though I read fox say BSD is more secure)
553 : 名無し編集部員 : 2011/01/14 (木) 01:36:08 ID: vz1+6EPr
CentOS is great. I have also read that read.cgi, bbs.cgi can only run on custom freeBSD per some of replies I have seen on 2ch.net. I bet it's tough to migrate :(
555 : 名無し編集部員 : 2011/01/14 (木) 02:14:02 ID: vz1+6EPr
and Apple users? ;)