
180 : 名無し編集部員 : 2011/04/10 (土) 14:02:25 ID: Si31di5J

Dear Jim-san

This is my first letter to you.

I am sending mail by the representation in the friend of hitomi of Japan.
I want to request the thread deletion of the "PINK ちゃんねる" site in Japan and will transmit this mail.
Someone wrote a mental abuse not true for her on the site during half a year and her real name and address were written.
She stopped working by fear and the emotional shock. She is returning to the parents' family.

The person in charge of the deletion in Japan is not acting now.
Therefore, I was writing in directly to you.
Your goodwill is needed so that the thread is deleted as soon as possible.
To save her distress, I hope by all means.

My Best Regards

