
614 : ●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [sage] : 2011/08/24 (火) 03:21:29 ID: f2ua2z++
Your welcome...:)
Have you noticed that Banana3001 is back up?
616 : X_Filed : 2011/08/24 (火) 03:39:19 ID: f2ua2z++ 🧦
It's rainy season here in the Philippines, and its time to try that thing.
617 : X_Filed : 2011/08/24 (火) 05:10:02 ID: f2ua2z++ 🧦
618 : X_Filed : 2011/08/24 (火) 05:23:24 ID: f2ua2z++ 🧦
Done working with the counter var.
619 : X_Filed : 2011/08/24 (火) 05:39:08 ID: f2ua2z++ 🧦
Let's check this counter.
620 : X_Filed : 2011/08/24 (火) 05:41:16 ID: f2ua2z++ 🧦
Another try.
621 : X_Filed : 2011/08/24 (火) 05:51:41 ID: f2ua2z++ 🧦
Another one.
622 : X_Filed : 2011/08/24 (火) 05:52:34 ID: f2ua2z++ 🧦
Junsan good afternoon!