
260 : jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [sage] : 2012/10/30 (月) 00:56:44 ID: +3Xze+av
Is Kilauea working well too?
263 : jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [sage] : 2012/10/30 (月) 08:08:38 ID: +3Xze+av
Does this mean you need to level up?
265 : jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [sage] : 2012/10/30 (月) 10:03:52 ID: +3Xze+av
The setting is not correct?
269 : jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [sage] : 2012/10/30 (月) 10:39:31 ID: +3Xze+av
Well, I don't plan to go backwards. I plan to go forward.
Thank you for clearing that up.
276 : jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [sage] : 2012/10/30 (月) 13:21:38 ID: +3Xze+av
I pray to the Godess like any other man. Of course I don't want to eliminate.
However we have to make things more tidy and secure. They need to level up.