
678 : ◆FUCKKER.Gw : 2013/08/29 (水) 15:00:00 ID: /w1H0yBT
Yes, I agree with you, and the cracker is causing trouble.
So as not to entertain the the hacker, I won't say what we are doing.
I will say that some of the 2ch systems will have to change.
683 : ◆FUCKKER.Gw : 2013/08/29 (水) 15:00:00 ID: /w1H0yBT
I understand. Any information you have please let me know. As it stands.
Maru server has been completely rebuilt, credit card server has been completely
rebuilt. The credit card server is not live yet. That is not my priority.
My priority is getting all machines secure. That is very difficult with 2ch.
So many anonymous volunteers have contributed over the years. Many files
I don't know what they are used for. If I can't find a use for a file, that
file will be removed. This is an attack by someone close to 2ch. I don't
know who, but it is most definitely someone that is a user, and knows
much about our architecture. Let's not blame anyone until the real culprit
is found. If you have information, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police are happy
to help, and can be reached at
Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department
Tel:+81-3-3581-4321 (ext 7850-3045)
Please let me know as well if you have information. I can pass it to
the Secret Service.
684 : ◆FUCKKER.Gw : 2013/08/29 (水) 15:00:00 ID: /w1H0yBT
We are very lucky that the Pink Channel deletion system was upgraded.
This is strike 3 for 2ch deletion system, and it will have to be replaced.
687 : ◆FUCKKER.Gw : 2013/08/29 (水) 15:00:00 ID: /w1H0yBT
Good idea, and of course that has been done.
699 : ◆FUCKKER.Gw : 2013/08/29 (水) 15:00:00 ID: /w1H0yBT
That is done. I have been speaking to an English speaking officer there.
706 : ◆FUCKKER.Gw : 2013/08/29 (水) 15:00:00 ID: /w1H0yBT