I'll show you some of 2ch external cache sites, whole data storage/viewer.
Some of them duplicates so many threads in 2ch, some having limited boards/threads.
also, there were some sites which is out of service now. (not included)
http://www.logsoku.com/ ログ速 2ch
http://mimizun.com/ みみずん検索
http://unkar.org/ unkar
http://logsouko.com/ ログ倉庫
http://2chnull.info/ 2ちゃんぬる
http://desktop2ch.tv/ デスクトップ2ch
http://2ch.viewerd.com/ 2chビューアーD
if you're going to do something to unkar, same act would be done
to the other cache sites as shown above.
PS: how is the act to MPD? it's weekday today.