
294 : jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [sage] : 2012/11/03 (金) 02:34:23 ID: 1Pp3LbNw
If I don't reply, please email. Sometimes I am stopped by ninjas...;)
299 : jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [sage] : 2012/11/03 (金) 03:39:00 ID: 1Pp3LbNw
With an apostrophe ' it would mean the ninja was the owner of something.
Maybe ninja does not have a plural like deer?
I have heard that ninja has become a slang term for African Americans.
It replaces the very bad word nigger. Although this is terrible. It also
makes me laugh that ignorant racists would use a Japanese word for Africans.