432 : 薔薇乙女 ◆FZhCZEDmr2 : 2012/12/20 (水) 11:53:17 ID: FNFB3B1i Jim San. Nosh omits San seems to be sent papers. It is said that the police claimed to delete actively According to the TBS news. http://news.tbs.co.jp/newseye/tbs_newseye5212596.html
433 : 薔薇乙女 ◆FZhCZEDmr2 [sage] : 2012/12/20 (水) 12:03:40 ID: FNFB3B1i The text you enter in the iPhone has becom strange... Mistyping >>Nosh omits San Correction >>Nishimura san (=Hiroyuki)