
392 : 自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA [sage] : 2012/11/25 (土) 12:18:16 ID: MT31FLuu
I will change my trip.
393 : Jim ◆jIyh96ez6Y [sage] : 2012/11/25 (土) 12:19:56 ID: MT31FLuu
I like this one. I will use it for a while.
394 : Jim ◆jIyh96ez6Y [sage] : 2012/11/25 (土) 12:21:01 ID: MT31FLuu
No I should go play in the test for a while. I don't like that one.
395 : Jim ◆setCjjimNg [sage] : 2012/11/25 (土) 12:27:06 ID: MT31FLuu
Ok, I like this one. I will use it.
397 : Jim ◆setCjjimNg : 2012/11/25 (土) 12:32:11 ID: MT31FLuu
I think this one is good. It has my name in it.