
556 : PeekaChu ◆51awzvGzyANv [sage] : 2013/04/30 (月) 23:01:37 ID: NX4DO0lM
Jim-san, how're u doin?
The holidays what we call Golden-week has already been started in jpn since Apr/27.
Some employee will get their holidays until May/06 contiguously,
someone might having interleaved holidays, and someone will keep working instead of holidays.

>>554 in other words;
◆JACK/GoIHM-san wants to complete the whole board immigration process from 2ch to bbspink.
He's already discussing details about the moving with Toru-san who's a moderator of current 2ch
in the thread; http://kohada.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gboy/1335794281/

Toru-san suggested emmigration process into the bbspink;
> The data to be moved has 18MB of volume. It would be 5MB after tar-ball archiving.
> Archive size might be changing after the archiving.
> As the remaining time to go becoming short, can you (=Jack-san) bring it by yourself?
> process of moving;
> Jack; 1) Open the destination board in Pink, and post decralation note here.
> Toru; 2) Close the board "gboy" in 2ch with HEISA description.
> Toru; 3) Put the data into a tar-ball archive and place it somewhere (classifiled).
> Jack; 4) Download the archive and de-archive it to the destination place.
> Toru; 5) Change all threads status to inaccessible and make removed from board listing.
> The 5th operation will be proceeded after confirming that the new board is working properly.
> To avoid the unnecessary downloading by the other persons, uploaded URI will be sent in a mail.

original article by Toru-san is;
> 生で18M弱なので、圧縮すれば5M位ですかねー。
> 実際にやってみないと分かりませんが。。。
> まあ、移動するかしないか選択する時間もなさそうなので、
> 思い切って全部持って行ってもらっちゃいますか(笑)
> JACKさん 1) PINK側の新板をオープンし、ここに宣言していただく
> おいら    2) 2ちゃんねる側のこの板「gboy」をHEISAする
> おいら    3) datをまとめて玉にして公開する
> JACKさん 4) 玉を持って行って新板へ展開していただく
> おいら    5) この板のスレッドを倉庫落ちにして板リストから除く
> 5) は念のため、新板が動いたのを確認してから行います。
> 玉を置く場所は、ダウンロードされまくると困るので、
> メールでお送りしたいと思います。
557 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2013/04/30 (月) 23:06:17 ID: NX4DO0lM 🧦
i was late a little. T_T