
562 : PeekaChu ◆51awzvGzyANv [sage] : 2013/05/09 (水) 12:48:41 ID: lZ4nfWmU
On May/07, Toru-san as the vice accommodator in 2ch said that the new ID suffix, "!" were started
which represents the host IP is owned by non-Japanese organization.
(The !-suffix including the access via overseas proxy servers.)
updates: Formerly, i said that he (toru-san) as accommodator. but he seems vice_personnel in 2ch.
So far as he said, he always asks something to the other person (saku_jennne) and
gets permission from her to proceed. Therefore, now I mean that he's the vice accommodator.
563 : PeekaChu ◆51awzvGzyANv [sage] : 2013/05/09 (水) 13:28:13 ID: lZ4nfWmU
Now, there is something unfavorable movement happening. That's the secondary trouble
after the massive restriction against for the domestic terror in April 21.
Please keep in touch with 2ch corresponds.