
2 : vip40011.maido3.net : 2013/09/03 (月) 16:30:34 ID: gETlPp3b
Talk here please, so we don't burn that other thread.
27 : vip40011.maido3.net : 2013/09/04 (火) 13:46:25 ID: gETlPp3b
We are currently investigating the problem. The authorities will be
going through our machines today and tomorrow. Who knows maybe they
will find the bad guy. I am hoping. As it stands, if we are unable
to find the bad guy and resolve all of these people's problems.
29 : vip40011.maido3.net : 2013/09/04 (火) 14:10:58 ID: gETlPp3b
Good night folks.