
948 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2013/11/08 (木) 09:41:08 ID: nhloN14y
> Hanako does not exist anymore, it was part of the security problem.
Was Hanako one of the causes of the previous krack?

> That machine is now a VPN server for the volunteers of 2ch.
Do you mean that Hanako was replaced by a secure machine
which the volunteers of 2ch can access to via VPN?

> That VPN has access to the memories server.
Does the memories server contain 2ch logs?

> The solution for this is to chown the files or directories that are necessary
> for the volunteers to use.
Do you mean that the reason is not lack of the root password
but the owner and permissions of those files or directories
that the volunteers of 2ch cannot access to them?

> I need to know what those files or directories are, then I can fix this.
Did you tell it to the the 2ch UNEI?
Does the 2ch UNEI know paths of those files or directories,
in order to indicate what should be chowned?