
595 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2013/10/04 (木) 03:18:38 ID: t7uQTTPa

Although I know you are so busy man, would you please take time
to register a NG-word against the following celluar-phone spammer?


Deletion requests were posted already, but lack of number of active deleter
makes it impossible to catch up with the 15hrs a day working spammer.
Jack-san is aware of the spammer, but it seems that he is not interested
in taking action to ask 2ch for pin-point regulation of the spammer.
598 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2013/10/04 (木) 12:46:34 ID: t7uQTTPa
Thank you for the response. NG-Word you would pick for auto-delete
system would be the mail-address "*****@yahoo.co.jp" until the spammer
change the mail address, I would think.

Pin-point regulation for Japanese celluar phone means ristricting posting
by unique phone ID number. 2ch calls it as "BBM system". which is a permanent
regulation listing that bbs.cgi look at before allowing posting
from celluar phone. Since bbspink does not have access to the BBM list,
Jack-san or Jim-san would need to take the Phone ID(in the posting log) to
2ch and ask for adding ID to the list.