
559 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/19 (火) 03:16:34 ID: lJvgAadw 🧦
I guess the 2ch as we know it was hijacked by Jim and forever gone.

   /⌒~~~⌒\                       (   ,,)   (,,・Д・)
 / ( ゚?>t?≡ )y─┛~~                〜(___ノ  〜(___ノ ,γ_
(_ ノγ U  ∩_∩)   THANK YOU 2ch     ┌───────┐   \
  α___J _J         and          (| ●        ● |      ヽ
  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\  GOOD-BYE 2ch WORLD! /.| .┌▽▽▽▽┐ .|____|__||_| ))
 /     ●  ●、                   ( ┤ .|        | .|□━□ )
 |Y  Y       \ またどこかで会おうね  \.  .└△△△△┘ .|  J  |)
 |.|   |       .▼ |                 | \あ\      | ∀ ノ
 | \/        _人|∧∧∩゛冫、 .∧_∧      |    \り.\     . |  - ′
 |       _/)/)/( ゚Д゚)/ `  . (´∀` )..ヽ(´ー`)ノ  \が\ .   |  )
 \    / 〔/\〕 U  / ∩∩ (    ) (___)    \と.\ .|/
  | | | c(*・_・)  |  |ヽ(´ー`)ノ_|  |  | |   |〜 /\.\う\| (-_-)
  (__)_) UUUU /∪∪ (___)(_(__) ◎ ̄ ̄◎─┘ .└──┘.(∩∩)
570 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/19 (火) 03:51:26 ID: lJvgAadw 🧦
574 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/19 (火) 03:59:09 ID: lJvgAadw 🧦
How can you generate an income from 2ch at this point?
None of your staff members can speak Japanese to begin with.
I'm not trolling here, I'm just curious whether you have
a feasible plan to keep 2ch alive.
582 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/19 (火) 04:08:31 ID: lJvgAadw 🧦
OMG, you have no plans... That's something I was afraid of.
Well, you have to hire a native Japanese speaker if you want to
run 2ch by yourself. I would love to help as I live in California
and have a good command of English,
but I don't have much experience in web development.

681 : ◆Meriken//XXX [sage] : 2014/02/19 (火) 05:20:31 ID: lJvgAadw
I just sent you an email. I hope things will work out.
710 : ◆Meriken//XXX [sage] : 2014/02/19 (火) 05:36:01 ID: lJvgAadw
No problem. I'm happy to resend it any time. Please let me know here
in this thread.
751 : ◆Meriken//XXX [sage] : 2014/02/19 (火) 05:50:49 ID: lJvgAadw
Sure. I am resending the email right now...
814 : ◆Meriken//XXX [sage] : 2014/02/19 (火) 08:31:16 ID: lJvgAadw
816 : ◆Meriken//XXX [sage] : 2014/02/19 (火) 08:38:10 ID: lJvgAadw
823 : ◆Meriken//XXX [sage] : 2014/02/19 (火) 08:57:06 ID: lJvgAadw
What would be the monthly maintenance cost for the servers
and what would be the exact breakdown of it?
That information may be helpful for potential advertisers like >>814.