
69 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 00:00:26 ID: 6s1Qkqf+

I would not object if the payment is made through WELL KNOWN (note emphasis) third-party payment gateway (card number entry and
transaction is performed by external web site, and the actual credit card information is never held by 2ch).

Of course, keeping extended logs on paying customer's activity was just a plain bad idea.
71 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 00:02:23 ID: 6s1Qkqf+
>>66 EC決済システム書いたことあるけどコンビニ決済は住所氏名電話番号まで必須事項ですよ。
79 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 00:15:21 ID: 6s1Qkqf+
>>76 IMHO, the issue is that "shopify" is not very well-known here in Japan.
If you were to proceed with shopify, you will need to invest in additional time to
describe (make web page in Japanese) to the customers about the nature of third-party transaction gateways.

Also, AFAIK, shopify page only provides contents in English language. That might be problematic if Japanese user
requires support from shopify regarding past transactions.
82 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 00:24:25 ID: 6s1Qkqf+


84 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 00:25:36 ID: 6s1Qkqf+

90 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 00:33:04 ID: 6s1Qkqf+
>>88 訳 translation

Even it third party transaction does not give you the transaction information,
I will not feel secure using payment gateway that remotely links with personal

If you are going to support webmoney (you can buy them at convenience store without
providing any personal information), I will gladly pay even if it is 2000-yen per month.
194 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 02:32:12 ID: 6s1Qkqf+
>>107 I have sent queries to bitcash whether they have documents in English.

According to their Japanese documentation, bitcash uses XML-RPC based API,
and only two API call (verify payment ID, commit transaction) is required
to make the transaction.

They can provide samples written in Perl, ASP, PHP, Java, C# ASP.NET.
230 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 03:13:35 ID: 6s1Qkqf+
>>195 の翻訳 translation


277 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 04:01:16 ID: 6s1Qkqf+
>>267 訳 translation


>>269 訳 translation

>>263 わかりました。ここで影響について協議しましょう。

>>271 訳 translation

>>262 今 2chのスクリプトを精査していますがまだ見つけていません。
312 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 04:45:50 ID: 6s1Qkqf+
>>295 訳 translation

>>279 pwatch.sh は動作していますが rbldnsd は動作していません。
rbldnsd は何のためのプログラムか教えてください。
315 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 04:49:09 ID: 6s1Qkqf+
>>295 I guess rbldnsd is this. It serves DNS blacklist.
330 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 04:58:47 ID: 6s1Qkqf+
Dear Jim-san,

The three symbols at the top of 2ch.net is almost like creative commons, but for fair use.

- Copy OK

May be printed, copied, given out for free.
Corporate entity may copy and print as long as it is distributed for free.
Modification, deletion, partial usage, approximation not allowed.

- Physically challenged OK

For the sole purpose of providing to those who are physically challenged,
printing, copying, distributing is allowed as long as it is done for free.
Modification, deletion, partial usage, approximation is allowed.

- Educational use OK
For the sole purpose of use in educational institutions,
printing, copying, distributing is allowed as long as it is done for free.
Modification, deletion, partial usage, approximation is allowed.

For all cases, respect and credit must be shown for the copyright holder
(if apparent in oringial document). If original documentation specifies time limit,
it may not be used beyond the specified date.

Affiliates making money at the blogs will fall for "Copy OK" because the blogs
provide the summary for free. They make money from the advertisements, however
the content itself is given for free.
337 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 05:04:15 ID: 6s1Qkqf+
>>335 >>324 再起動中
342 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 05:10:49 ID: 6s1Qkqf+
>>338 I stand corrected. Yes affiliate blogs do partial usage, so it is not copy OK.
たしかにそうですね。アフィ系は部分的に抽出をしているので copy OK には該当しません。
352 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 05:19:52 ID: 6s1Qkqf+
>>340 they use jargons to specify the drug name, and they post either
throw-away email addresses or SNS contact IDs.

Usually we (削除要請板people) turn downs the request saying that
"deleting post does not do any thing. The law enforcement should
stop being lazy and hunt down the owner of the contact addresses."

See below URL for deletion requests.

All entries coming from "IHC" comes enforcement-related (note:
they are retired law enforcement officers sucking money from
the government for doing sloppy job).
355 : ”削除”要請板住民 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 05:23:48 ID: 6s1Qkqf+
I usually live in the saku2ch board (削除要請板) (but with no official capacity),
so I see deletion requests a lot.
367 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 05:36:01 ID: 6s1Qkqf+
>>354 the people who are watching 2ch are subsidiaries to the law enforcement,
and they do not have the power to act as law enforcement officers.

The Japanese Law Enforcement itself lacks personnel knowledgeable in handling the issues.

Also, since log files disappear shortly after deleting articles, we are forced to keep the
article on the 2ch server just in case somebody may want to look at the log file.
So, for all law, court, and lawyer related deletions, we are asking them to upload a PDF file
noting that "no more log storing is required" to Japanese servers.

Since Japanese Law Enforcement is unable to upload PDF to their servers, we are usually
unable to serve them.
369 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 05:36:44 ID: 6s1Qkqf+
I have some business to do, so I will be unavailable for few hours.
488 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 06:38:22 ID: 6s1Qkqf+

>>395 Translation

The reason why hiroyuki allowed copying was because copying goes both ways.
(There were also issues about printing matome-books).

If we are to forbid copying from 2ch, it will in turn make it difficult for us to
copy from other sites (e.g. news sites, external non-matome blogs of worth interest).
695 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 09:02:30 ID: 6s1Qkqf+
>>677 Tamon appoints people who can post news in news+ type boards.
There are rumors that he makes profits from his position, since
he turned down offer for bribery in the past by saying
"if you can pay more than what they give me".

Of course, it might be just zero (old proverb says, "nothing is
more expensive than free!"), we do not really know.

I personally like him because of his eccentric behavior.

>>683 賄賂もらっているソースって具体的金額付きでありますか?
704 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 09:14:59 ID: 6s1Qkqf+
>>693 訳 translation

今後は Pink Channel の spambot に支援させるかもしれません。
705 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 09:16:20 ID: 6s1Qkqf+
>>699 むしろ賄賂は貰えていない証拠+自虐的ギャグのような。