
991 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 13:57:32 ID: Fkn58EIz
>to Mr.Jim
>Matome sites have been spread out much disinformation, fabricated ideas and more. Do you recognise that?

This gives really bad influence to companies as well as 2channnel.

>Hiroyuki has prohibited some of the Matome sites, but still a lot of Matome sites do not stop their commercial operation.

I would strongly offer that you prohibit the unauthorised copies as I told above.

The High Court has also judged that reprinting fabricated ideas is WRONG.
See this link detailing that actual alert statement.

1000 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 14:03:31 ID: Fkn58EIz