
323 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 04:55:45 ID: MdEfa7MI
Hello Jim-san,
I'm really want you to keep running 2ch.
However, I also like blogs like reproduction of 2ch.
You probably don't know, the copy blog of 2ch came to be so popular in Japan.
It makes ordinary people who didn't see 2ch before interested in 2ch.

So, to keep running 2ch, you shouldn't ban copying from 2ch.
You should get a license fee from each copy blogs.

It will keep 2ch popular and you can get enough money to keep running this BBS.
339 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 05:07:12 ID: MdEfa7MI
Thank you for quick reply,
I don't think people will stop to visit copy blogs even If 2ch made all the old date free.
Because, sometimes copy blogs help us to get useful information faster.
I think it is a little bit difficult to search the thread that exactly someone want in 2ch.
Moreover, ordinary people (which means not nurd lol) don't use 2ch..
So, inflowing from copy blogs is valuable for 2ch.

How about make these rules?
・Copy blogs need to write the original thread's URL each copying pages.
・They also need to pay license fee.
353 : 346 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 05:20:59 ID: MdEfa7MI
I totally agree with you.
Jim-san should ban some sites that copy whole data from 2ch and store it.
Here's example : http://www.logsoku.com/
They are copying whole contents from 2ch and store.
However, I think these sites will not work if you make the old data of 2ch free..
Moreover, as >>346 said, the blogs that copied from 2ch is really popular now in Japan and some of them are really useful.
360 : 346 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 05:28:47 ID: MdEfa7MI
Actually, 2ch is still scaring ordinary people, they think 2ch is underground web site because there were some trouble like crimes at 2ch past 10 years...
However, thanks to copy blogs ( I mean not the web site that copying whole contents from 2ch. the sites Just summarise threads), ordinary people has been coming to like 2ch.
In order to keep inflows of new user, you shouldn't ban these copy sites.
382 : 346 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 05:46:11 ID: MdEfa7MI
Some people talking about this statement, which means people who running copy blogs should register the list of NicoNico.
Acutually, it's a licensee fee in point of fact because people who want to register the list have to pay 500YEN per month.
It was written by Hiroyuki. So, I think you can change this policy and make another license fee.

However, these sites are not whole copying sites, just summarise some threads.
I think it don't make a trouble.
388 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 05:53:27 ID: MdEfa7MI
Jim-san, Don't worry about Fake-matome sites. They are not working now because algorithm of Google has changed about 2 months before.
As a result, Almost of the sites had gone from Google.
405 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 06:03:10 ID: MdEfa7MI
I has been living with 2ch, I'd like you to keep this BBS.
To ban the copying sites, except storage of old data site, is stupid idea.
If you ban copying even summarising, it will decrease the number of new users...
You should ask them, who running copying sites, to pay license fee.
A little bit expensive fee is also good like 100$ per month.
It will keep the copying site's quality good and warm your wallet.
427 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/20 (水) 06:13:11 ID: MdEfa7MI
Matome-sites are really useful.
But some propaganda sites like talking about racial discrimination is should be banned.
The other, some useful site, for example talking about games, education and life hacking shouldn't be banned.