These two payment methods are the methods of not needing personal information but gaining popularity in Japan which pay. この2つの支払方法は個人情報を必要とせず日本では一般的になっている支払い方法です
>>134 webmoney Inquiry telephone number ウェブマネー問い合わせ電話番号 03-5733-8125
bitcash Inquiry mail form ビットキャッシュ問い合わせメールフォーム ttp://
I'm sorry which does not understand whether I may ask in an individual who corresponds only to the inquiry from a corporation 法人からの問い合せにしか対応していないようです 個人で問い合わせをしていいのか分かりません ごめんなさい
Please see, if it is interesting since it has told that only English arranged so that connection might go by e-mail from the settlement-of-accounts vicarious execution service which can use web money can be done.
for example, new management -- a formal browser -- an advertisement is shown in there where an application is made It enables it to process gold titles other than a nice thing income. He has an income. A private application is annihilated. Probably, it will not be impossible.
>>275 Does he plan to take a certain measure to the site which has obtained profits by reproduction of 2Channel? How does reproduction think to the free present condition?
It seems that it goes to investigate to overseas in the latest Japan when [ possible ] a criminal act breaks out. The house of Hiroyuki where Channel 2 was considered to be a real janitor in the past was investigated. Since many persons use, there is also writing like a criminal preliminary announcement, but how is Channel 2 due to cope with these problems?