
831 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/22 (金) 12:42:48 ID: 8hqTzgr2
I was 19 years old happy birthday. I'm happy everyone was and spend the last 10 generations.
835 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/22 (金) 12:48:46 ID: 8hqTzgr2
    i       ハ  i、     |   There is no damage to me.
    |   从-リノ ノリノノ-)リ、  l   Moreover, even if there is damage to you bastards,
    |  リ ‐=・-:  -・=‐ Y  l   it is no relation to me completely.
    .i从 | ` ̄,:     ̄´ |从,!   Since you don't matter to me.
    i リ,i   ゚人,,__,,人:.   | リ}   Without exaggeration, even if you guys die, I won't be sad at all.
     ハ: i.  , __ij..__ 、:  'iノ´    Because I have not been involved with you in the real world.
      彡、  `?エlフ'´ /ミ      In other words, I don't sympathy to you bastards.
      彡イ\ ` ̄´ / ト ミ
    _/ ∧ > ―<  ∧ \
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