
884 : つきみ ◆Moon/74/lo [sage] : 2014/02/22 (金) 14:00:11 ID: U7qjOgrG
Code Monkey-san

I'm つきみ@変更人(tsukimi), participating as a volunteer for 2ch operation of the setting matter.

about >>841, I write specifically to some extent.

I can connect to the tool that is under the http://qb7.2ch.net/_tomato/.
However, I try to connect to the tool that is under the http://qb7.2ch.net/_milk/, I will be jumped to http://www2.2ch.net/403/.
Will it not work anymore in the tool under the http://qb7.2ch.net/_milk/?
If I can not use in future, want to ask the person who can change the settings.

I'm sorry for my broken English.

895 : つきみ ◆Moon/74/lo [sage] : 2014/02/22 (金) 14:16:43 ID: U7qjOgrG
>>885 Code Monkey-san
Thank you for your reply.
All right. I will send email of gmail account starting from g.

>>887 Jim-san
No, it is the link changes in the local rules.
I can not connect to the tool, so I can not change that.
Good night.
902 : つきみ ◆Moon/74/lo [sage] : 2014/02/22 (金) 14:38:43 ID: U7qjOgrG
Oh...I did not look desperately to write in English...
Thanks a lot >>897-san!

>>896 Jim-san
Good night!!