- 52 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/21 (木) 15:07:56 ID: dJCDXU6N
- 今、北京出張中なんだが、中国当局にネット接続が規制されちった(汗
というわけで落ちますノシ - 55 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/21 (木) 15:09:09 ID: dJCDXU6N
- ID:GxWt2t4f
- 60 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/21 (木) 15:31:30 ID: dJCDXU6N
- 結果が出てから後だしで知ったかぶるのは格好良くないよ。
- 427 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/22 (金) 06:03:04 ID: dJCDXU6N
- >>412 translations
The reason why smartphones are so heavily restricted is due to the
fact that their ID (and IP address) change really frequently.
There are some malicious poster that is using smartphones, and he
is jumping IP addresses, requiring us to ban wide range of addresses.
Can we change the ID for smartphones to be based on more persistent data
such as the ninpoucho IDs ?
On the poverty board, this is currently a real issue. Seeing smartphone IDs
make the atmosphere tense, and there are even some folks who use smartphones
to post fake arashi in order to block other legitimate smartphone users. - 850 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/22 (金) 13:09:22 ID: dJCDXU6N
- >>790
p2 is pretty much customized version of rep2 which is available below.
It was operated by aki before, but it is now hosted by brazil which
has more server resources. Although p2 charges yearly fee to post new
articles, that fee was introduced purely to prevent throw-away p2 account.
Everytime when p2 users abused p2 account the fee was incremented.
In the old days people used to run their own rep2 scripts for private
use. That changed when it became apparent that "some level of closed code"
was neccessary to interface efficiently with 2ch without giving abusers
sample code for overcoming ip address restrictions.
I myself will be at loss if p2.2ch.net is stopped. I read and write to
2ch from various environments and various OSes, so p2 is the only
realistic way to keep my read/write logs in sync.
Of course if rep2 becomes ronin compliant, may be we can go back to the
old days; hosting our own rep2 scripts.