
202 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/22 (金) 01:05:04 ID: zjvEcbiT
Are トオル@せっている and 削ジェンヌ contained in "most of them"?
Many people dislike that these two persons return.
215 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/22 (金) 01:10:56 ID: zjvEcbiT
It agrees.
Your judgment is supported.

Thank you for answering
361 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/22 (金) 04:36:36 ID: zjvEcbiT
The news + is an isolation board.
It is better to set +931 to this board, if it is not much unsightly.