Hayabusa's voting was hi-jacked by an obstructive. He disguised himself as our voting directer (res number 1) and said 'this voting is invalid !' at (res number 994). All we couldn't tell him from our voting directer. But voting progress was very smooth and got the result ...'' agree over800 - disagree 15 '' We decided to ban reproduction without any permission *[in livejupiter]. We want to leave that to your judgment.
P.S. Some affiliate website managers are trying to keep their affiliate website margin. Many users boared affiliate's own wrighting for their margin, really really businesslike. From another point of view, we can think that they advertise 2ch using their website, stealing 2ch's adv-margin. I believe 2ch must receive this margin and use it for 2ch's management.
>>62 I feel this is ignoratio elenchi. Importance is not in the vote system. The result '' agree 850 vs disagree 15'' apparently signs almost users bored affiliate's websites. If you think this is viased, pls check the board 'hayabusa' 'live jupitor'..... There's no thread , no conversation about THE WAY OF THE VOTE SYSTEM.
to Jim All of the protestant of the vote result(agree: to ban reproducing & changing name) insist on revote and donation for 2ch's working capital. It seems to me that they wish delaying, hampering and keeping afilliate's margin. Cuz the vote to be done by fair way,on good timelines in holiday, informed via fair rules, and got the result (over 5hundreds - under 20) Jim, 2ch's adv is great jade plant, so we can expect many a website manager struggle about the decision. All we (2ch's majority) need is to ban reproducing without all permission and the result etc.
>>402 No, your opinion to the point this problem. Reproducing bloggers have absorbed smart-phone (light & majority) users from 2ch and got adv margin. >>406 Yes, they are only parasites on 2ch system.
We(hayabusa) wish name changing & banning reproducing activity cuz they trolled 2ch for their site's issue rich.