
469 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/23 (土) 07:05:15 ID: C8t5nFle
Hi, Jim-san,

How about making VERY HEAVY TAX MECHANISM for Affiliators sites?
While they are fu**ing insects, they are indeed proffessional swindlers on making money from 2ch.
I guess it is one of the best solution for a while to make the best use of their disgusting labor.

Long long ago there's a framework of tax in Japan, named "Nen-gu(Yearly Tax)".
Farmers at that time was forced to give about 40% of their benefits to the central government.
Like that, I think 75% OR MORE THAN IT of Affiliators benefits had better be given to you.

You can prohibit Affiliators to use personal affiliates account
and force them to use 2ch official one.
And you can redistribute the benefits to the 2ch-officially-certified-sites ON THE RATIO AS YOU LIKE.
Isn't it a good idea?
497 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/23 (土) 07:19:16 ID: C8t5nFle
Hi, Jim-san

>>483 is PURELY a noise.
Like Jim-san's former response,
it is absolutely wrong that AFFILIATORS CAN BRING LOTS OF NEW COMERS TO 2CH.
It's a ridiculous insists from Affiliators;-)

>>149 is the complete evidence
506 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/23 (土) 07:25:15 ID: C8t5nFle
I don't know much about 風俗全般, but it has seemed BOMBED by SPAMs for a long time.
It looks, to me, a proper target for reCaptcha restriction...
518 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/23 (土) 07:32:24 ID: C8t5nFle
I said NO ONE came from Affiliators sites. Sorry for my poor English;-)
I follow Jim-san's response below
> Most of these sites don't even link
> back. The people that only read them
> never get an opportunity to meet our
> community.
529 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/23 (土) 07:39:38 ID: C8t5nFle
I use Bing and that is completely ANOTHER PROBLEM than their lackness of linkback.
You look so desperate, haha:-)
637 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/23 (土) 09:59:16 ID: C8t5nFle