Are you interested in uniting boards?
If you do. At first, I recommend to unite mobile board (http://anago.2ch.net/mobile/ ) and provider board. (http://engawa.2ch.net/isp/ )
Some of the threads on the mobile one have relocated on the provider one because the number of vandals.
Next, set the BBS_MAX_MENU_THREAD in SETTING TEXT as 300, or the threads would be deleted so rapidly.
I hope you get interested in.
Thank you.
43 :Code Monkey ★:2014/02/20(木) 23:27:54.40 ID:???
>>16 >>37
Please wait until Sunday before we begin to change SETTING.TXT files.
What does this happened? これはどうなったのですか?
#これ、Code Monkeyさん勘違いしている?誤訳ではないよね・・・SETTING.TXTは統合できたら、の話だけど・・・。