191 : 名無し編集部員 : 2014/02/24 (日) 07:36:30 ID: 0PJ3PFe5
I don't like your way.
You choice only KENMO's opinion.
2ch isn't your possesion but pubulic possession.
You only think money earing and your fame.2ch should be freedom, but you are too intervene.

I have two idea.
First is that non name can't write this site.
instead ,we have to choice alterative word which force us to choice"don't use commerce" or "allow it".

second is that 2ch require 4rule to afiblog.
•don't injure indiviual.
•don't use adult commercial.
•don't use commercial which mimicry 2ch.
•Don't do stealth marketing.

If they break these rule,they will be banned or warnned by 2ch.
197 : 名無し編集部員 : 2014/02/24 (日) 07:55:33 ID: 0PJ3PFe5
If jim want to change ,You should make new billboard.
If you are right, people would fllow you.

And your saying is ambiguous.
do you it or not,You should exibit your balance.
201 : 名無し編集部員 : 2014/02/24 (日) 07:58:46 ID: 0PJ3PFe5
Jim don't know 2ch.
Don't know japanese.
You only know feeling of fame and money earning.

If you like Japan,You must show your honest.