226 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/24 (日) 08:58:29 ID: 4UG4xldf
Dear Jim-san
Nice to meet you, too

The introduction of ID of MorningCoffee board
It is a matter, but it was discussed by the residents of many since then.
There were pros and cons, but the pro was the overwhelming majority.
I'm having problems slandering and at most there is no ID.
Idol we be slander it is poor.
I hope that the ID is introduced into the MorningCoffee board or not.
I sincerely hope

Result of voting by residents for ID system
賛成=Favor 反対=Opposite
2/3 was the favor

MorningCoffee boardのIDの導入の件ですが、あれから大勢の住人により議論されました。
どうかMorningCoffee boardにIDが導入されることを望みます。