This is thread history made by BeNo.292394. And you can see many "ジャップ" word in these threads title. "ジャップ" is pronounced "JAP". So, this is a discriminatory terms. In KENMO,There are only a little discriminatory thread makers. But, they make many and many discriminatory threads. KENMO users are feeling very very annoying.
This Be user is just an example. In new system that you are making now, Please to eliminate these trolly thread makers. If you do, we will be very happy. Thank you jim-san. I love you.
>>150 Thank you jim-san. I understand what you say. The problem is that they are enjoy making trolly thread. I think they are NOT racist. They just enjoy to watch that how we are annoying . So, they use derogatory terms. Even though they are not racist. My hope is that reducing trolly threads. Derogatory threads are just an example.
It say that "We are making a exclusive contract with 2ch. We are crawling all threads in 2ch every time. And when we discover some risky res for you, we warn it to you.
In 2ch, we have a problem that stealth marketing. I am concerned whether or not this company lead to stealth marketing.
As you know、NanJ is very very high speed board. So, LR discussion threads in NanJ are gone to DAT soon. If you allow, we want to use result of discussions in VIP to NanJ. Or discuss it on other board (example, KENMO,VIP,or other ). How do you think it?
I'm sorry to ask you that crap things again and again. Thak you.