300 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/02/24 (日) 12:40:24 ID: Bu4dk67I

I am very concerned about the operation policy on the deletion and security maintenance.
Especially I am very worried about the management of volunteers because some volunteers
may misuse their rights. Thus, I would like to propose that the details of the activities of them
be recorded.

I would like to remind you of dangerousness of misuse of the right of volunteers.

For example:
Rock54 system is included a function of disclosing of log.
So some malicious volunteers of Rock54 can set any NG words and
can steal/spy data from the rock log and sell the data to someone.

Some malicious volunteers may get money as they delete res or thread.
And the other malicious volunteers may use their privilege to disclose the
log in return to a bribe.

To prevent the infringement, the operation history of the volunteers should be
unveiled. Especially, the operations on the disclosure of log data have to be observed.

I am looking forward to your reply.
