240 : 名無し編集部員 : 2014/02/24 (日) 09:21:58 ID: TFu3El75
do not be fooled by the japanaese version neonazi.

JAP is intended to include repentance for mad japanease.
it is not a discriminatory term minute japanease uses.
Was used to Hideki Matsui, a major player to point out bad analogy.

there are many things to track modified japan now.

for example.

- deletion of the emperor remarks by national broadcaster.
- prime minister not to work when people are in trouble by the disaster.
- post-processing of nuclear accident that is not improved at all.
- information manipulation of the net by a particular political party.

there is countless them.

if the thread is hung vertically in such a topic, we use the JAP for repentance.
to as Hideki Matsui, which denied the flocked of abnormal media.
he's a great Japanese against the irony in the pros.

but troubled as JAP movement has been reported in foreign
media is spreading the cult's followers and certain political parties.

KENMO not going to look at it silently Japan to corrupt us.